So, it's obviously been quite a while and we've probably lost what few loyal readers we had. The marketing department is working on a reacquisition campaign for Q2 that we're really excited about. There's no campaign slogan yet but it'll have a "when you're at the office/home, check this out instead of doing your work" feel too it.
Since the first part of February we've been going almost non-stop so the lack of updates hasn't been total neglect. Our trip to Disneyland was "off the chain" as the kids say (not our kids, but 'kids'). Pics and a recap are forthcoming. For real. I swear. I've endured too much harassment about not updating this blog to NOT put them up.
We finally got an offer for our house (YAY!!!!) and had to move everything out (BOOOO!!!!!) before the sale closed a couple weeks ago. We had moved what we thought was most of the stuff out last fall when we first put the house up but as we got into the 'final' move it seemed like more stuff would appear for everything we put in storage/donated/took to the dump. The whole thing was starting to make Sisyphus' problem look like a minor annoyance. With some very much appreciated help, we (well, mostly Shaan) were able to get everything out and cleaned up. We were really glad to have that finalized and off our minds.
Sprinkled in these periods were some work trips to Dallas for me which slowed the progress at home. Shaan got to come with on one of the short trips so that was good for both of us. The boys have still been doing their karate, Shad's started Cub Scouts and been working on his piano lessons and soccer's started back up also. Shaan's been putting her usual long hours and extra dedication into teaching the students in her class. It's extra time consuming since she moved 'up' to 1st grad this year, but she's doing a great job.
The new house has come along quite a bit. It's all pretty much been inside, though and we haven't gotten a lot of pictures of it. It looks like it'll be done by May so it'll be great to have that completed.
Finally, this post is coming to you live from Bangalore, India. I've been here for a couple weeks for work (with 'only' three more to go!!!). Flying over in first class was pretty much the sweetest thing ever but the joyride was definitely over when we got off the plane. I forgot the cable for the camera and haven't found a way to upload the pics from the camera yet so I'll post about the trip after I get back. The people are very friendly and especially at work they've been great to work with. I'll just mention this from a commercial that's running for an electrical equipment company over here. The tagline on their ad is: "Wires that don't catch fire". As solid a selling point as I've ever heard. Maybe I'll hire their ad company for the reader reacquisition campaign!
And what in the world are you doing in Indai?
Two things:
1) "Not our kids, but 'kids'." HAHAHAHA!
2) I am graduating in two weeks with a degree in advertising so I feel fully qualified to say--WAY TO GO HAVELLS! I watched a few of their ads on their website. My favorite was the one called "energy saving fan." A 15 second spot of brilliance.
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