Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The celebration continues......

With Harrison's birthday being the day before a popular Utah state holiday, the partying can take a few days to complete. I was close to dubbing this past week the "Week of Harrison", although there was no eating of whole blocks of cheese and very little decompressing (for some of us).

Friday was capped off with a party for Harrison's friends.


Some musical chairs:

Fabulous prizes:

Shaan put a lot of work into planning this party so that everyone would have a good time. She really needed a better assistant but my rates are low so she went with me anyway. The good times rolled into Saturday with a small party for those family members who were in town.

The birthday boy:

Zac (Yes, ladies, he's single and gainfully employed!) and Grandma Bartschi:


"What, you can't blow out the candles??" Ha, haaaaaaaaa!!! Diabolical!!


Thanks to everyone for sharing in Harrison's special day(s)!


Unknown said...

Is this in your beautiful new house? We need deets. Happy birthday little dood.

Janzen said...

Wow Shaan your family is growing. This is Melinda I lost your contact info and have been wondering how you guys were doing. I hope to hear from you soon. My info should be the same.